It’s been almost 4 years Im making more than $100k per year and now making multiple 6 figures a year and I spending $0 on paid ads. My business module is B2B and my only formula is “strategic networking”.

But finally, in 2024, January’s ending, and almost $25k is already hit the bank (The first month in 2024)! We’re fully booked with projects over $60k until February. I’m extremely busy with current projects, and still, I’ve got some leads and some meetings are scheduled. This month is crazy!

Moreover, here’s some straightforward Q&A:

1. What did I exactly do to get clients like this?

Only strategic networking. Well, I did all the basic things that you read on Google’s first page or maybe watch on YouTube.

2. Aren’t there any advanced or hidden formulas?

No! At least I don’t know any kind of hidden tricks. And I strongly believe there’s no such thing exists in the world. All the YouTube guys are telling you the same thing that has been applying in sales and marketing for the last 50 years.

3. Then why isn’t everyone getting projects like this?

Simply, they don’t educate themselves or maybe they don’t even have that basic knowledge.

4. Is it possible to get clients like this without advanced strategies?

YES! But no. Let me explain. When you have basic knowledge and you put real effort into it, you become the master. The master does the same thing but it gets results. So, putting effort into basic things makes it advanced. And then, when skilled people talk about it, it sound like a pro or shows authority in his word. That’s why people think it’s unique. But the same thing when a newbie will apply, he will find it all basic things.

So, it’s all basic if you’re a newbie. And the basics become advanced when you become the master.

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