The biggest mistake most businesses make with local SEO?

Choosing the wrong partner.

AKA failing to understand the difference between a consultant and an agency.

Leading to decisions based on misconceptions like:

“Agencies have more resources”

“Consultants are too expensive”

“Bigger teams mean better results”

“Agencies offer a one-stop-shop solution”

“Consultants lack the necessary tools”

(All real thoughts I’ve heard from business owners)

But I can promise you this:

If you don’t choose the right partner for your local SEO needs, you’re throwing money down the drain.

(And potentially damaging your online presence.)

You’ll end up frustrated, with subpar results, and looking for yet another SEO solution.

If you want to ensure you’re making the right choice, start by understanding:

1. The size and complexity of your business
2. Your specific local SEO goals and challenges
3. Your budget and timeline
4. The level of personalized attention you need
5. The importance of industry-specific knowledge
6. Your preference for a hands-on or hands-off approach
7. The value of direct access to expertise
8. The need for flexibility in strategy and execution
9. The role of accountability in your SEO efforts

And then CAREFULLY weigh these factors when choosing between a consultant and an agency.

Consultants often provide:

– Personalized, hands-on service
– Direct access to top-level expertise
– Flexibility in strategy and execution
– Industry-specific knowledge
– Accountability and clear communication

Agencies typically offer:

– Broader range of services
– Larger team and resources
– Potential for scaling services
– Established processes and systems
– Comprehensive reporting and analytics

Choose wisely based on your unique needs, and you’ll be surprised at the difference it makes in your local SEO success.

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