Turn Connections into Clients: Discover the Networking Secrets

Turn Connections into Clients: Discover the Networking Secrets

Last week, I landed 2 new clients from my social network and booked at least 10+ meetings. The 2 new clients I landed came through my Instagram/Facebook story.

Note: I started my freelancing journey with Fiverr and Upwork. Then I realized it’s not fair to depend on a marketplace’s algorithm for my career. Currently, I’m making at least $100k a year and scaling my business. I’m not using any marketplaces to get clients.

I know now you’re thinking, how is this really possible?

If you just add some random people to your network and start adding stories, I swear you will end up frustrated because no one will offer you work.

So, why does it work for me?

Well, they were already in my personal network for a long time.

So, it wasn’t an accident. They had been following me for a long time, built trust, then made a decision, and finally offered me the job.

Look at this screenshot, one of their messages:

Getting clients from social media doesn’t mean just connecting with new people every day and expecting them to offer you jobs.

If you find the target people and connect with them, that’s the first step.

There are a lot of things still left to do.

Adding someone to your network means the person is in your funnel. Now, you have to make them buy your services.

How to attract them to buy your services?

By adding value. How? Well, do these:

  • Join the same communities where they’re active
  • Answer questions
  • Solve problems
  • Create as much content as you can

Read How to Get Potential Leads through Strategic Connections

These practices will help you earn their trust. Now, adding stories, creating posts, uploading videos, reels, etc., every day will attract them to make a decision.

Finally, they become clients. This is a very long process, and there’s no shortcut.

I have discussed more details in my ebooks. If you want, you can collect my ebooks. Check my bio and read my blog.

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