Where to Find Leads for Web Agencies?

I have read many articles on the topic and most of them say LinkedIn is the place to get leads. The question why? And how to target them? Some people say just “LinkedIn” but they don’t know or not explain the strategy to get clients.

I assumed they just heard and said. Then another part of people says its a saturated market.

Let’s provide you with some solid advice. There’s no such thing as “saturated,” at least I don’t believe so. Yeah, there are lots of developers already providing web development services, so what? There’s nothing to do with competition if you know exactly what to do.

First of all, mark my words: it’s very hard and demands a lot of work. If you have a huge budget, then okay, you can burn your money on paid ads and get leads instantly. For that, you should hire PPC experts (true experts). I know you’re not looking for this answer.

How to get leads For web agencies?

You’re looking for something that works well, gets you leads and clients regularly with minimum effort, and allows you to run your business smoothly.

Here’s the answer:

Cold email: It’s very time-consuming, and you have to send tons of emails to get some quality responses. It’s boring, and I’m not doing it. As I’m a massive reader, I can confirm, by reading others’ experiences, that cold emailing still works.

Networking: This is what I’m doing, and I’m getting leads. I’ve been making 6 figures a year and now Im making multiple 6 figures a year. So, this is proven, and I’m telling you from my personal experience.

It’s pretty straightforward

Just pick a niche or industry (choose based on how well you know and are passionate about the industry), then start connecting with business owners every single day. Find ways to talk to them. Join related communities, ask them questions, and answer their questions.

The goal is to be well-known and trusted in the community, at least in your connections. It could be Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or whatever. First, analyze your target audience, and determine the best platform they actively spend time on. So, ask questions, answer posts, create videos—try everything to engage with them. Provide lots of content.

Read this ebook The Art of Business Networking

Connect me on LinkedIn

Oh, don’t waste time creating garbage with one-click AI-generated text walls.

Instead, read a lot about the industry, understand their problems, and find problems in groups, Quora, Reddit, and even in Google suggestions. Then craft your content with informative information and post it. Post content by adding value, ask questions that trigger them to reply, and create conversations.

Don’t try to sell anything directly with your posts. When you become trusted by some of your connections, believe me, they will come to you and offer you their projects. You know all agency/company owners have lots of projects, and they really need someone reliable and confident.

If you read some sales books or at least research online, you’ll know that it takes a lot of time to make buying decisions. So how can you expect someone to buy a service instantly when you both just started conversations? I’m practicing this, and I’m getting lots of leads and clients without any problem, this is a very genuine way to generate clients.

Thanks for reading.

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