Why is it important to have good communication skills for freelancers?

At the very beginning of my freelance career, I figured out there was something wrong with me. I couldn’t hold a client for a long time.

I saw people delivering work that had lower qualities than mine, but still, their clients lasted for years. But I was losing clients within the first month or maybe a couple.

I started looking at my own and figured out its “communication gap”.

Why communication is so important for freelancers?

70% of workplace mistakes are a result of poor communication. Many people, about 68%, have felt like they wasted time due to problems with communication in their business. More than half, 53%, have missed important messages for the same reason.

Additionally, 42% have experienced burnout, stress, and tiredness because of these communication problems. A significant 35% have had trouble with lost or missing files, and 30% provided customers with a less-than-satisfactory experience.

Shockingly, 12% even lost customers to competitors because of these issues. Furthermore, 10% of businesses faced the unfortunate consequence of losing employees due to communication difficulties.

Source – www.project.co

If you’re an SEO expert and you don’t know how to communicate, you’re in a real problem.

A random business owner who isn’t familiar with technical details might not understand them well. It’s your job to help them see that they’re investing in a reliable person or agency, which will ultimately bring them more profit.

You have to make them realize
You have to show something visualize
you have to set the proper goal.

To do these all I added above, you have to be the best communicator.

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How to become the master of communication?

If you want to become a better communicator with your clients, the first requirement is industry knowledge. You should have a better understanding of your industry instead of spending time everywhere.

Observe a specific community: how they talk, what their goals are, and what their problems entail.

Start studying those problems; dedicate hours, nights, months, and years to it.
Become someone who can provide value for that small community. You don’t need a huge number of connections to make a decent amount of money

A single client’s payment history that started with less than $20 bucks

Look at the screenshot, this is a single client’s payment history. We started with a small project that was less than $20 bucks and now see that turned $60k +

Do these to become a great communicator:

Listen Actively: Pay close attention to what others are saying. This shows respect and helps you understand their perspective.

Speak Clearly and Concisely: Use simple and clear language. Avoid jargon or complicated words. Get straight to the point.

Set a proper expectation and talk about it: Don’t overpromise to just sign a contract. It’s a big mistake. If they expect something that you can’t deliver, clearly explain to them. If they have wrong expectations, then educate them on what to expect.

Watch Your Body Language: Non-verbal cues like eye contact, facial expressions, and posture are important. They can convey confidence and show that you’re engaged. In freelancing, we mostly talk through emails or different chatting options. In that situation, take time and understand every single word they used then reply.

Empathize with Others: Try to understand things from their point of view. Feel the problem they talking about. Show them the solutions, some reports that you did similar projects, and the results you achieved. This helps you connect better and respond appropriately.

Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask for clarification or more information. It shows you’re interested and helps avoid misunderstandings.

Practice, Practice, Practice: Communication is a skill that improves with practice. Engage in conversations, give presentations, and seek feedback.

Be Open to Feedback: Accepting constructive criticism helps you grow as a communicator. It shows you’re committed to improvement.

Read How Can I Learn Freelancing at Home

Remember, becoming a great communicator takes time and effort. Keep working on these skills, and you’ll see significant improvement over time!

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