freelancing with smartphone

Can I Freelance With A Smartphone?

No, a BIG NO. I often get these types of questions from people ‘can I do freelancing on mobile?’ So I think I will write a detailed post with strong logic, why it’s not possible, and either recommended.

Before that, I would ask you some common questions!

Are you serious about freelancing?

Are you really would expect something decent where you didn’t spend anything?

Will you hire someone for your project who’s not serious about their services?

Ask all these questions yourself and I hope you get that answer.

Can I do freelancing with my mobile phone?

My Office Setup

This is my office setup. There are 2 desktops and one laptop. Now Im thinking to get another desktop for my home setup.

So, Why I took these multiple computers if it’s possible with a mobile phone?

Am I recommending you get multiple computers? No! One computer is enough for work.

But why I took multiple? Well, I’m managing 100+ clients and a team of 20+ members, and I’m super busy with my daily workload.

I started with a single desktop. But now, I’m using one desktop for all the important task opend that I need to work on. Other desktop Im using to focus on the current work. And you see the laptop, Im using for chatting and joining meetings with my clients and team.

So, I use these multiple computers to be more productive. I know many people can handle their tasks with a single computer that’s fine, and I appreciate it.

But if you’re talking about the mobile phone, that’s really a bad idea.

I saw a lot of blog posts about that, and they talked about working as a freelancer with a smartphone. For new people, it sounds cool, but in reality its totally different.

If your client knows that you don’t even have a computer, I’m sure they assume that you’re not very serious about your career. And many of them will just ignore or deny working with someone is not serious.

Do you need multiple computers to start freelancing?

No, when you’re starting it’s enough to have one computer. Even you can run a successful business with one computer no problem with that.

But when you have lots of projects and clients. That time, it’s getting an extra layer to having multiple computers though. It really boosts your productivity and easy to handle different tasks.

Is it totally impossible to handle work with a smartphone?

No, it’s very possible to handle work with a smartphone when you’re professional. Like sometimes I don’t carry my laptop while traveling.

I still join video calls, chatting clients, email, reply to and give directions to the team on how to work, what to do, etc everything from my smartphone. That’s really fun and a great part of freelancing.

So, that means, you can handle your clients, and team temporarily with your smartphone. And you definitely need a computer to start and run your freelance business.

Just think as a professional though.

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