How to choose a website for guest posts?

How to choose a website for guest posts?

What to consider when choosing a website for guest posts? Well, in this article I’m gonna break down everything you need to know before submitting a post on a website in order to build links.

Are you getting lots of emails?

Are you getting a bunch of DMs on your Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram every day?

Like this?

Screenshot from my Gmail inbox

You’re not alone.

If you open their list and check their metrics you will probably see most of the website has high spam score, they’re general sites, no traffic, with a higher DA, and there’s no quality content.

Those are all link-farming websites.

Their only aim is to sell backlinks until they get penalized by Google.

If you submit your posts on such websites that could increase your spam score and end up with a Google penalty.

Let’s first discuss the importance of guest posting before delving into the criteria that will help you select the best website for guest writing. You can use guest posting to reach an audience that already exists and to benefit from the authority and reputation of well-known websites.

You can acquire visibility, boost your authority, and draw more traffic to your own website by submitting worthwhile material to reputable websites. Additionally, by producing high-quality backlinks, enhancing search engine ranks, and increasing organic traffic, guest posting can have a big impact on your SEO efforts.

7 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Website for Guest Posts

You have to match all 8 questions before considering a website to submit your post.

1.Is that website industry relevant?

It’s very important to be relevant in your industry. If the website is relevant to your industry its probably not good fit for your content. Because their readers will not visit on your website and there’s no value if no one is reading.

2. Are they up-to-date and consistent?

Before submitting your posts you should look at how often they post on their website. If you see the last post was one and a half years ago that’s a red sign. You should consider a website that has regular content with consistency.

3. Domain Age

This is another important factor for a website. An authority website should have a certain age to develop trust and authority in the industry. Check their domain age and everything.

Check the domain age from here

If you see the domain is only a few months old or maybe less than one year, stay away.

4. Organic traffic

A trusted and authoritative website’s first sign is organic visitors.

If the site has no traffic means a BIG reg alert.

Check their organic traffic and other traffic sources as well. Check their social media activities.

Check their audience demographic and where they came from. You should probably target a specific place so match their audience locations and other metrics.

You can check the metrics with SEMrush

5. Link profile

Look at their link profile, I mean their backlinks network.

Check how strong their backlinks are.

If that has lots of spammy backlinks, that could easily increase your spam score.

You can analyze their backlinks with Aherfs or Semrush.

Only consider a website that has a strong link network, so you could get the actual link benefits.

6. Quality Content

A website only can last long with quality content. It’s very important to check their content quality. Read a few posts and try to figure out that they’re providing useful content compared to others in the same industry.

7. Technical parts

Before you submit a post on a website, look at its user experience. The website looks, structure as well as spam score. You shouldn’t consider a website that has a bad UX and a higher spam score.

The website should be decent with all these technical parts and looks good.

All these steps are very important before considering a website for link-building.

For every single link you build for your website, you should be very careful.

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  1. How do I choose a website for guest posting?
    • Choosing a website for guest posting involves considering factors such as relevance to your niche, domain authority, quality of content, audience engagement, and SEO benefits. Conduct research, evaluate metrics, and analyze the website’s guidelines to make an informed decision.
  2. What is the most important criterion to look out for while selecting guest sites?
    • The most important criterion to consider when selecting guest sites is relevance to your niche. Ensuring that the website’s audience aligns with your target demographic and interests will maximize the impact of your guest post.
  3. What should be included in a guest post?
    • A guest post should provide valuable, informative content relevant to the website’s audience. It should be well-written, engaging, and offer insights or solutions related to your niche. Remember to follow the website’s guidelines regarding length, formatting, and any specific requirements.
  4. What are the most important aspects of guest posting?
    • The most important aspects of guest posting include choosing reputable websites, providing high-quality content, establishing thought leadership, building backlinks, reaching a wider audience, and driving traffic to your own website.
  5. Which category is best for guest posting?
    • The best category for guest posting depends on your niche and target audience. Look for websites that align closely with your industry or interests, as guest posting in relevant categories will ensure your content reaches the right audience.
  6. What are the benefits of guest posting sites?
    • Guest posting sites offer numerous benefits, including increased brand visibility, expanded online presence, establishing authority in your industry, building high-quality backlinks, attracting organic traffic, and reaching a wider audience.
  7. Where can I publish guest posts?
    • You can publish guest posts on various platforms, including blogs, online magazines, industry-specific websites, and guest posting communities. Conduct research and outreach to find suitable platforms that accept guest contributions.
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  9. Is guest posting good for SEO?
    • Yes, guest posting is beneficial for SEO. It helps generate high-quality backlinks, improves search engine rankings, increases website visibility, and drives organic traffic. However, ensure that your guest posts are on reputable websites and provide valuable content to maximize SEO benefits.
  10. Should I allow guest posts on my website?
    • Allowing guest posts on your website can be a great way to diversify content, attract new readers, and provide a platform for guest contributors. However, it is important to establish clear guidelines, review guest submissions carefully, and ensure the content aligns with your website’s objectives and quality standards.
  11. What is the difference between a weblog and a guest post?
    • A weblog, commonly known as a blog, refers to a website or online platform where an individual or a group shares their own content regularly. On the other hand, a guest post is a contribution by an external author or expert, providing valuable content to another website or blog.
  12. How do I start a guest post in SEO?
    • To start a guest post in SEO, research potential websites, analyze their metrics, and identify those that accept guest contributions. Read and understand their guidelines, pitch your guest post idea to the website owner or editor, and negotiate the terms and conditions.
  13. Can we earn from guest posting?
    • While guest posting itself may not directly generate income, it can lead to indirect financial benefits. By contributing high-quality guest posts, you can enhance your reputation, attract a larger audience, and potentially secure collaborations, sponsored content opportunities, or consulting gigs related to your niche.
  14. What are backlinks in guest posting?
    • Backlinks in guest posting are hyperlinks within your guest post that direct readers back to your own website or specific pages. These backlinks serve as valuable connections between websites, driving referral traffic and boosting your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) by signaling its relevance and authority to search engines.
  15. How do I write an effective guest post pitch?
    • When writing a guest post pitch, make it concise, personalized, and compelling. Clearly communicate the value you can offer to the website’s audience, outline your proposed topic and its relevance, highlight your expertise, and mention any previous guest posting experiences or relevant credentials. Show enthusiasm and professionalism in your pitch to increase your chances of acceptance.

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